This past weekend at Riverview, I taught on what I think is the most misunderstood and misapplied of the Ten Commandments: the Sabbath. I think most of our confusion comes from a misunderstanding of the Mosaic Law and our personal exhaustion. I decided to post an additional video unpacking this a little bit and dealing with what the Bible really says about work and rest.
It may be good to watch the original teaching before watching the embedded video below, but you don’t have to in order to understand what I am getting at.
I’d also love to get your feedback on the usefulness of this sort of content. I want to produce helpful stuff, and I find video is the medium that reaches the most people. Please let me know what you think.
Oh, and here are the places I am living online these days:
Facebook: noelheikkinen
X: noeljesse
YouTube: noeljesse
Instagram: noeljesse
TikTok: noeljesse