The Prevailing Sin of our Age
We have to know what it is if we are going to do anything about it
What is the prevailing sin of our age?
Chew on this question for a second and before you answer, consider that it might be the sin behind the sin that first popped into your mind. It may even be a couple of layers deeper.
It would also be good to bear in mind what sin is. To oversimplify the idea, it’s when we live out of sync with how God created the world to operate.
What is the prevailing sin of our age?
Here’s what I think the answer is (for what it’s worth).
The prevailing sin of our age is we have misplaced the center of all authority.
We have been duped into thinking we are the boss. Self-determination as a governmental ideal has become a personal self-destructive idol.
Let’s work this out.
If the center of authority in our lives exists inside of the individual, what we think or feel about ourselves is all that matters, or at least what matters the most. Certainly, other people matter, too, but only insofar as they validate or confirm or affirm what we think or feel about ourselves.
Here are a few questions to noodle on...
What is truth? Is there such a thing? Where does that truth come from?
How do we determine what makes the universe tick?
Where do we find meaning or purpose when our truth conflicts with someone else’s?
Determining what is right and good in all of these arenas is obviously multi-faceted, and we all bring our own experiences and wirings to the table. But when push comes to shove, something or someone has the authority to decide the answer.
In my personal experience, this authority issue isn’t reserved for those outside the walls of the church. Many Christians I interact with decide what they believe first. Then they take their beliefs to the Bible (usually after a quick internet search to find someone to back up their view) and try to figure out a way to make the Bible justify what they have already decided.
We do that because we have misplaced the center of authority.
It should be Jesus, but most of the time, it’s us.
That’s the prevailing sin of our age.
This post was adapted from a message given at Riverview Church. You can watch the entire message here: